Tuesday, July 05, 2005

What I did with my weekend

And here, pitifully late cos I'm really busy at work and have loads of important stuff to do (no, honestly I do), is a pictorial account of what happened this weekend. Mostly spent having farewell dinners/excursions with the Shiogama clan, so here's a shot of us on the beach...

Frisbee games and swimming in the sea, a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. Water was cold, but you got used to it once you were in for a bit. Thence to dinner at Ducca, a restaurant by Sendai station...

Food wasn't bad, but there wasn't enough of it. The beer, on the other hand, was fine, and in plentiful supply. Thereafter, we to karaoke, and beyond...found a rather cool little bar going by the name of Maverick in Kokubuncho, done up like a Wild West saloon. Needless to say we got in the spirit of things...

And this one needs no comment, I feel.

Sunday night, went to sample some of Shiogama's famed sushi with Isaac, Ellie, David and Lindsay. A pleasure as always to see all of them, and I look forward to their continued friendship in the US...they're all off to grad school there, sooner or later, Isaac to Cornell, David to UC Davis, and Ellie to Columbia (if she gets in. At which point I have assured her I will transfer somewhere else). Enjoyed the conversation so much, though, that I forgot to take any photos. My apologies.

All the business at work has obscured the fact that I leave 2 weeks today, and I will be living in New York in 6 weeks or so. Time has gone so fast it makes my head spin.


Anonymous said...

Hey, good looking ! Too bad you're leaving the town in two weeks

Rob T said...

Yeah, now you see this is why I shouldn't be allowing anonymous comments on my blog...

Anonymous said...

LOL, sorry about that. but, having a secret admirer is not a bad thing at all, u know :P

Rob T said...

Oh right. Now I know who it is.

Anonymous said...

Really ?! I highly doubt it. I wish u did though. Should I leave my e-address now :P Unless you use an IP add tracker :P

Rob T said...

You mean it's not Nisbet? Hmm. Interesting...

Anonymous said...

Nope, i dont know who you're talking about, but i do know that you're incredibly handsome as stated on your profile :P
Oh right, no more flirting game

a stranger Jp in sendai

Rob T said...

Well well. I dunno, I'd say that anyone that really thinks I'm good-looking is probably mentally unstable and possibly dangerous, but there you go...;-)

Anonymous said...

hehehe, look who's talking now. well, that makes two of us then :P i might be insane, but im positively safe :)