Thursday, June 30, 2005

News unmixed...

And so this week, I get some very welcome news about housing. Prof. Haruo Shirane, the guy who'll be supervising me at Columbia, mentioned that I should contact him if I had any problems with housing - so I did. And true to his word, a few days later he got back to me to say that he had spoken to a few people and they have told him that they will be able to get me on-campus accommodation. Which is fantastic, it'll make things a lot easier from a point of view of knowing where I live and not having to live in a B&B for 2 weeks, not to mention the social aspect of being able to meet other CU students right off the bat. Always helps to know people who know people...Prof. Shirane, you rock! He's also been responsible for making me an additional $5,000 less poor next year, so I owe this guy big time. Bottle of Shiogama's finest Nihonshu has his name marked on it. お世話様です。

I also have a new official Columbia e-mail address, which excited me rather more than it really ought to.

Tuesday, went for kaiten-zushi with Anette, Jemma and Steph. Didn't pay, since Anette bought me dinner for helping her out with her laptop...I made sure to take advantage. Although she ate more than I did to be honest.

Also, as of this afternoon, I have booked my flight home to the UK for the 20th July. After first thinking about going with Air China via Beijing, various factors put me off that one (doubts about whether I would need a visa, some horror stories about the airline in general) and so I changed my reservation to Cathay Pacific via Hong Kong. Considering the season, I think I got a pretty good deal at 128,000 yen, and this of course means I can skim 70,000 or so off for myself. Result.

Got Friday off, am going out with the Shiogama Clan for one final fling together on Saturday, and Sunday evening I'm meeting some US grad-school bound people for sushi in the 'gama. Should be good.

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