Saturday, October 29, 2005

Empire Statement

Anyway, today was Mum's last day in NYC so we thought a good way to round it off would be to go to the Empire State Building and go up to the top so we could see what the city looks like. I've never been up there myself (I went into the lobby in 2002, but not the tower) so was very glad of the opportunity. Went fairly early - we were there by 9 a.m., and that was definitely a good thing as the crowds were pretty impressive by the time we left.

The building itself is impressive enough, with its 1920s art deco throughout, but obviously that's not why anybody goes. With the fall of the World Trade Centre in 2001, it's now the highest building in NYC again (I think?) and the views are nothing short of breathtaking. Though rather cloudy, visibility was still not that bad (10-15 miles) and we could see the whole of Manhattan plus Jersey, Queens and Brooklyn. Amazing sight, well worth doing. Photos are, of course, reproduced below.

Saw Mum off to JFK this afternoon, took the subway out to Queens and then back again. I have a Hallowe'en party to go to tonight, and for once I'm not going as Agent Smith (thank you, Nes) - I'm going as the Scream slasher with the mask and everything. I'll let you know how I get on, assuming I don't get shot by the NYPD.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahaha I'm not sure the scream slasher is going to help much either :P