Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Hitting the Beaches

I'm in New York, just ending my first full day in Manhattan at my desk in my room on 110th Street. I was able to hook my laptop up to the college Ethernet right away, so the show will go on. My room is very spartan, and if I were nitpicking I might say it was rather dingy, as it doesn't get much natural light and there're no overhead light fittings. Still, I've only been here a day or so, so I'm confident I'll be able to brighten the place up a bit in due course. See for yourself below. It is, though, in an excellent location, very close to campus, with all sorts of shops in easy walking distance and a subway station on the corner.

I've spent the day basically chasing around the city doing all sorts of admin stuff to get set up here. I stayed in a hotel on West 38th last night, as I got in to JFK too late to move in to Harmony Hall, as it's known. Got up early (jet lag and having gone to bed early too) and breakfasted on a toasted bagel with cream cheese - New York par excellence. Got up to the Upper West Side, signed my lease and moved in. Realised at once I'd have to do something about the bed cos there wasn't any bedding - as you can see below, I got that sorted out in good time.

Dumping my stuff off (a welcome relief after lugging it ten blocks), I changed clothes and went to have a look at the Columbia campus as well as pay my bill and find out when and how I would get my scholarship paid. I was able to do what I came for, and the campus was worth the trip in itself. The Low Memorial Library and the Butler Library opposite just scream Ivy League at you...but they're quite something to behold. I got a Tex-Mex Hero from the deli across the road and chowed down in agreeable surroundings, bothered only by the occasional pigeon.

Lunch completed, I went to check in at the International Students and Scholars Office, to get my Visa status updated and as luck would have it to open a bank account at the same time - apparently they have a Citibank rep there on call, as it were. That done, I drifted back along Broadway, stopping to pick up stuff I needed - basic stuff like a lightbulb, coathangers, pillows and so on.

I haven't really met any of my fellow students here at Harmony yet - either they're not here yet, or they're very reclusive. The ones I have met have all been non-American and not very forthcoming, so perhaps it's the latter of the two, but only time will tell. Right now though, I'm in a huge city where I almost literally don't know anyone...and the thought is simultaneously uplifting and terrifying.

I got more done than I thought I would today, so I can take tomorrow a little bit more calmly. It's been fine weather here, pretty hot in fact, and I've been sweating a bit as I've tramped up and down the pavement. I showered before dinner and was glad of the cool breeze this evening as I looked for somewhere to eat.

The jet-lag's starting to kick in, so I'll leave it there for now, with the promise of more to come (and pictures! I'm off the 56k dial-up!) of the Columbia campus and area.

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