Friday, March 02, 2007

¡Viva la Revolución!

I am President!

Of JETAANY, admittedly, but President nonetheless.

The fact that I was elected unopposed is, of course, not in any way an indication that no-one else wanted the job, but rather that the sheer awesomeness and force of my personality scared all challengers away. I heard that Fusco might be running - he was nominated - but for whatever reason, he missed the deadline to confirm his candidacy.

Anyway, I am therefore now the President of JETAANY, a 501 (c) 3 NPO. What does this actually mean? Not a whole lot, really - it means I have to show up at meetings and events, talk to the Consulate more than before, and start being a lot more proactive in making things happen. In a sense, it's kind of like being a part-time CIR (actually, that's kind of a tautology) in that I have to make speeches, go and talk to various worthies, organise events, and so on and so on. It should be a lot of fun, actually - I am now demanding that everyone call me El Presidente, largely because I like the sound of it. I may switch to The Dear Leader later on in my term; I haven't made up my mind exactly how despotic I'm going to be.

Revolution in the air in other areas, too. Kate's got a new job, believe it or not at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum I visited late last year. It's just about the perfect job for her, really - she wanted to get back into the museum business, and given that she did her MA in American History, it's difficult to think of a job she could have that would have used her skills and experience any better. Naturally, she's delighted, and I'm thrilled for her.

Everything else has been much the same as it ever is. I've been occupied with writing summer grant proposals, partly to keep myself afloat this summer, and partly because I'll lose my funding if I don't (it's a technical thing - we're required to make "good faith" attempts to secure as much outside funding as possible so as to alleviate the financial burden on the department).

We had another snowfall last week, but the weather's much warmer this week and I think spring is on the way. Of course, that brings Spring Break, too - only a week away now. Woohoo!


Anonymous said...

*ahem* - American studies. But thanks babe. I mean El Presidente.

Unknown said...

I can only ask IF they fly you to Japan to do a leavers conference presentation... try not to suck as hard as this years president. She finished 45 minutes early, for starters...

Rob T said...

I think I can say with some certainty that I won't be doing that, largely because academic commitments would make it almost impossible for me to go out to Japan and do the speech in the first place. Other than that, how was the conference?