Friday, March 16, 2007

Spring Unsprung

Or perhaps not. I'm writing this in the middle of a winter storm that's been going on for a good 15 hours now, so, despite some very clement weather on Wednesday, it may have been a little premature to declare the advent of Spring. Either way, it hasn't affected me much...I've been sitting in the library reading for the most part. Kate and I got together to make margaritas on Tuesday night, as sort of a token nod to the whole 'Spring Break, woohoo!' kind of thing. Apart from that, though, it's been very low-key.

Just for reference, I've included a couple of pictorial examples of the sort of thing I didn't get up to.

Anyway. The storm will not, I'm sure, have much effect on the St Patrick's Day parade coming up tomorrow. Given that this is New York, I'm fairly certain that Ireland's valiant efforts in the World Cup will pass almost totally without notice, which seems something of a shame, but there you are.

About the wildest thing I did was to go down to Bed, Bath and Beyond in order to buy a shoe rack. I think I've officially hit middle age.

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