Thursday, May 11, 2006

Out of Harmony

I'm getting the hell out of here. My PhD student housing application was approved, I will be assigned a new, proper apartment on Monday, and I will be able to move into it at the end of next week. Finally. The process was in no small part expedited by the actions of the whackjob next door to me, I think - seeing as I was due to move anyway, I guess they thought that it'd be a good idea to hurry the process up. But it's most welcome nonetheless.

This comes as a huge relief, because the crappy nature of my current accommodation has been a real source of irritation this semester. And while I don't know for certain where I'm moving to yet, I do know that it really couldn't possibly be any worse. I've been a bit of a pack rat recently, picking up articles of furniture that those who are leaving are donating, including a couch, rice cooker and microwave, all of which will now have a new home. I'm rather optimistic that my new place will be several orders of magnitude more comfortable, spacious, tranquil and generally like a home. Not hard given the current competition. Guess it turned out that living in Harmony isn't all it's cracked up to be.


Unknown said...

have you actually put photos of the Tuck Towers online before? I'd like to see what you are moving from...

Rob T said...

I think there was a fairly rudimentary photo in the post I put up the day I got here. It's not very nice, I have to admit, but I needed somewhere to stay when I got here, so it had to do for a while...