Saturday, February 18, 2006


It's viciously cold right now in NYC. has it as being -9℃, -19 with the windchill, and I can believe it. It's like Dave Fusco said - "We have a program for dealing with the homeless in New York. We call it "winter"."

I'm probably going to hell for even repeating that comment. Still, I think that's the coldest temperature I've ever been out in, even in Hokkaido and the like.


Anonymous said...

congrats on your PhD course acceptance. how come you only have to go through 1 year on your master ?

Rob T said...

Good question.

You're right, it's normally a two year course, but the actual requirements to graduate are 6 "content" courses (ie not language), a 40-60 page MA thesis and 4 years of language or the equivalent.

The first two can be packed into two semesters and a summer if you work your butt off like I did. The normal reason for people taking two years is to get their Japanese level up - particularly if they've come straight from US undergrad, which means they'll have around 3 years of language, though of course standards vary. In my case I had 8 yrs of Japanese and JLPT 1 under my belt anyway, so that's not an issue.

I was always told from the start that the staff here thought I could and should do it in 1 year - and in any case, I haven't got the money to do a 2nd year, so it was kind of forced upon me...