Friday, February 24, 2006

Village Idiot

In celebration mainly of Tim's birthday (all of 25) and Jonathan's engagement, and also partly of my acceptance to the PhD program, a whole bunch of us went down to the East Village, which contains most of the best Japanese-style restaurants in the city. There are sushi joints in pretty much every alley in New York (parenthetically, I suspect because the profit margins are pretty high on it compared to Chinese or Thai), but for your tsukune, your buta-kimchi, your tako-butsu and the like, in short your standard izakaya fare, you gotta hit the Village. We ate, drank and were merry. Photos below.

I'm going down there again tonight with K to check out some of the alleged dive bars in the area. Should be fun.

1 comment:

Rob T said...

They're fellow students on the Japanese history and literature PhD programs, and the bunch with whom I do mott of my socialising. And I suspect at least a couple of them read this blog, too.