Friday, May 13, 2005

It's cold, and it shouldn't be.

TGIF. Well, less than usual, this has been a pretty good week with one thing and another keeping me busy, the French interpreting gig on Tuesday (got a bottle of wine out of that one), various admin tasks and a whole lot of code updates to the city's website. Downside, weather's turned crap, with a high of 9 ℃ today, which sucks. Colder than the UK right now, would you believe. A far cry from May in Kansai or Hiroshima, for sure. Got quite a busy weekend ahead of me, though some of the stuff may not go ahead cos of the crappy weather. Am supposed to go to Kinkazan, off the Oshika peninsula, tomorrow, though if it's cold and rainy I'd rather save it for another time. We'll see. Anyway...cheers.

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