Friday, August 25, 2006

Back in the USSA

I think I've used that heading before, but I'm too tired to care right now.

Flight back was endured - they're never a pleasure, and BA's selection of films over the summer has been crap. Still, I made it on time, which was rather fortunate - there was a 'fatality' on the King's Cross line as I was on my way down to London, which occasioned a delay of nearly two hours before the train could be re-routed. We saw a body bag with police on the platform as we went by - some poor bastard either fell or jumped in front of a train. Not uncommon in Japan, of course, and while I know I'll sound insensitive, I would say that if you're going to top yourself the least you can do is not make everyone else late on your account...

But it's good to be back. Spoke to K when I got in - she's away right now, coming back Sunday. I have a feeling that this is going to be a very good year.

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