Monday, August 29, 2005

Self. It's hot and humid in NYC and I am perspiring accordingly... Posted by Picasa


Unknown said...

that's so CUTE...

firia said...

well, the buildings do have a certain allure... ^_~

Rob T said...

I'm feeling a whole lot of love, right here...

Anonymous said...

LOL! Whats with the Richard Nixon hand gesture ? Is that the Japanese uncontrollable-reflex-and-an-overwhelming-desire-for-world-peace you got from 2 years of life in Shiogama ? hehe. Cute pics btw

Anonymous said...

hey good looking! single, arent ya ?

Rob T said...

Heheh...yeah, point a camera at me and I still do the Japanese "peace thing" the guy taking it was Japanese, so I guess you could take it as sort of self-referentially ironic.

Rob T said...

And yeah, Anonymous (cute name, btw) I am indeed single.