Monday, May 12, 2008

End of term

So here's to actually following through on the previous post and putting together another entry before another four months go by.

End of term - peaks and troughs of busyness and idleness, mainly involving getting papers done and whatnot. I spent most of the weekend writing a research paper for a seminar I was taking this past semester. It ended up being 53 pages, which is a monster; granted, it was a considerable expansion and revision of a previous 34-page paper, but even so. I have broken new territory in geekhood. I actually feel sort of dirty that I enjoyed it as much as I did.

On an entirely unrelated note, I thought I should point out a couple of things. First - this. For the record, it's Dartmouth business school, and yes, I have already bought a green hoody with the logo emblazoned across the chest. Be rude not to.

On another entirely unrelated note, those of my readers who follow American sport may have notice that this chap was one of the Superbowl-winning New York Giants' star players over the past season. Are we related? Well, maybe. Take a look for yourself and see how likely you think that is. In any case, I have, once again, bought myself a Giants replica shirt with his name on the back. Because, of course, it would be rude not to.

Nina and Matt were in town earlier this week, bringing Nina's mother over to visit. I wonder if they still read this blog? I notice Nes is still hanging around - dude, it's been inactive for like four months and you still commented on the post. I sincerely hope you've got the site on an RSS bookmark, otherwise you really need to find some better things to do with your time.