Friday, August 31, 2007

Crossing Over; or, the Wrong Man for the Job

As promised, here's some footage of me making a fool of myself trying to carry over what little skill I have at cricket to baseball (NB, the footage is at 90° for the first 15 seconds or so - do not adjust your set, it'll come round in due course).

You'll also notice that I'm basically playing a slightly deranged hook/pull shot to every ball. Kate also reckons that my hands are too high (hey, I was just trying to imitate Ichiro's stance) and my weight is too far back...I think I'll have to go down there again sometime and get some proper coaching. Now I have a cricket-mad roommate, of course, that might be rather more tempting...

Shot of self and bro afterwards. Do we look like a pair of prize prats or what?


Anonymous said...


I forgot what a cricketer you were in your Wadham days!

Is that location the same as KP uses for his style of cricket?


Unknown said...

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