Friday, December 15, 2006

From the bottom up

I'm sure many of you are familiar with - indeed, have perhaps even used - a certain product by the name of Anusol. Much as its name suggests, it is intended as a remedy for afflictions afflicting the parts of the body one doesn't display during polite conversation. Obviously, in this brand-conscious age, their marketing gurus decided that hinting at the nature of their product rather too graphically was bad for business. So, equally obviously, it was decided to rebrand.

O brave new world, that has such people in't! What name, then, did they choose for their product? See for yourself.

Wonderful. As if I hadn't had enough trouble during my formative years with my surname and all it rhymes with, it seems it will now dog me throughout my working days as well.

Nobby, you work for Pfizer, don't you? Can't you have a word with them and...oh. I get it. Ha ha. Very bloody funny. This was your doing, wasn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It's one of the other healthcare (pharmaceuticals have got a bad rep so they're all now healthcare!) companies that I work for.

Many of us still have trouble with your surname. Rob Tuck, Rob Tuck, Rob Tuck, Rob Tuck, Gay ...........

I'm finishing on wednesday for Christmas so give me a call when you're back in blighty

Merry Christmas
